Tuesday, December 28, 2010





Monday, December 27, 2010

ஞான முதல்வனே.., விநாயகனே.., | Photo Gallery | Special Gallery | Photo Album | Current Events Photo Album | Popular Events photo Album | World Events Photo Album

ஞான முதல்வனே.., விநாயகனே.., | Photo Gallery | Special Gallery | Photo Album | Current Events Photo Album | Popular Events photo Album | World Events Photo Album

| புத்தாண்டு கொண்டாட்டங்களை சீர்குலைக்க சதி : நாடு முழுவதும் பாதுகாப்பை பலப்படுத்த உத்தரவு Dinamalar

| புத்தாண்டு கொண்டாட்டங்களை சீர்குலைக்க சதி : நாடு முழுவதும் பாதுகாப்பை பலப்படுத்த உத்தரவு Dinamalar ( COMPARE

| தணிக்கை துறை அதிகாரியிடம் எம்.பி.,க்கள் கேள்வி : ரூ.1.76 லட்சம் கோடி இழப்பு எப்படி என விசாரணை Dinamalar

| தணிக்கை துறை அதிகாரியிடம் எம்.பி.,க்கள் கேள்வி : ரூ.1.76 லட்சம் கோடி இழப்பு எப்படி என விசாரணை Dinamalar

| பூங்காவை திறக்க மக்கள் கோரிக்கை Dinamalar

| பூங்காவை திறக்க மக்கள் கோரிக்கை Dinamalar ( VERY CORRECT PRESENTATION)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

utsava.Tirupati III day


Read More

Thursday, December 2, 2010



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Saturday, November 13, 2010



Sri I.Y.R.Krishna Rao, Executive Officer TTDs reviewing with TTD officials and Dist Officials on wednesday. ( NEWS WILL FOLLOW IN NEXT POST)

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Offer Your Donations in the form of Vegetables for Nithya Annadanam Trust(WWW.TIRUMALA.ORG)

The bus stand in Tirupati( where from u have to take Bus to holy hills has been named

OUR 10006th tweet is on Tirupati-tirumala .Intend to proceed further??

Friday, October 22, 2010


A non-profit website to book temple poojas online www.epoojaonline.org, over 1500 temples across India

www.epoojaonline.org is a web portal from DIVINE INTERVENTION, Bangalore. On this website one can book Poojas/Archanas and other rituals in various ancient and renowned temples and pay for it online through Credit cards/Debit Cards/Internet banking etc.

The idea behind this Socio-religious activity is to promote and popularise old and ancient temples which form an integral link to India's rich culture and traditions. It is a pity that lot of old temples don’t have the basic resources to afford simple day to day activities. Some temples cannot even afford oil for lighting lamps, forget other rituals, temple up keeping etc.

We honestly believe that there is no need to build new temples, one of the best ways where one can serve God is to support and popularise these ancient shrines.

This website will not just offer online Pooja booking but will provide detailed article about each temple, its history, legends, how it affects people, how to reach, detailed maps, temple timings etc. Our intention is that you visit the temple, feel the positive vibrations and benefit from it, the option to book online Pooja is just incidental.

In any ancient temple one can feel the power and positive energy in the sanctum sanctorum. When various rituals like Poojas/Archanas/Abhishekams etc. are continously done in a temple for thousands of years, the deity and the temple acquires a power of its own. This power and positive energy can be felt only in an ancient temple. No modern brick and mortar structure can give you that spiritual uplifting feeling by any stretch of imagination.

Only temples which are older thousand years shall be promoted on this website. One may not believe the fact that in India there are more than hundreds of thousands of temples which are more than 1000-3000 years old.

Initially will be offering online Pooja booking facility in around 1500 temples as we are currently building up our network of temples, we intend to scale upto around 2000 temples by this year end.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


BASAD in Nizamabad District of A>P has got a unique world famous Gnana saraswati Temple.Local believe,strongly on the Powers of Goddess and visit there
Regularly.The authors visit longback is rememberable one.I continue to pray?


ஒரு காலத்தில் தன் எதிரிகளை அழிப்பதற்காக மகாராஜா சுரதா, தன் குரு சுமதாவின் ஆலோசனையைக் கேட்டார். குரு கூறியபடி தூய்மையான ஆற்றுக் களிமண்ணைக் கொண்டு, காளி ரூபத்தைச் செய்து, அதை ஆவாஹனம் செய்து, உண்ணாவிரதம் இருந்து, காளி தேவியை வேண்டினான். அந்த வேண்டுதலின் பயனாக அந்த மகாராஜா தன் பகைவர்களை அழித்து, பின் ஒரு புதுயுகத்தையே உண்டு பண்ணினான். "ஐம்பூதத்தில் ஒன்றான மண்ணால் ஆன பொம்மையால் என்னை பூஜித்தால், நான் பூஜிப்போருக்கு சகல சுகங்களையும், சவுபாக்கியங்களையும் அளிப்பேன்...' என்று, தேவி புராணத்தில் அம்பிகை கூறியுள்ளபடி, சுரதா மகாராஜா செயல்பட்டதால், அவன் பகைவர்களை எளிதில் வீழ்த்தி, அவர்களின் இன்னல்களிலிருந்து விடுதலை பெற்றான். எனவே, அம்பிகைக்கு பிடித்த பொம்மைகளைக் கொண்டு கொலு வைத்து வழிபாடு செய்வது, நவராத்திரியில், குறிப்பாக சரஸ்வதி பூஜை வழிபாட்டின் முக்கிய அங்கம் பெறுகிறது. மனிதன் படிப்படியாக தன் ஆன்மிக சிந்தனைகளை வளர்த்து, இறுதியாக இறைவனுடன் கலக்க வேண்டும் என்ற தத்துவத்தை உணர்த்துவதற்காகவே, கொலுவில் படிகள் அமைக்கப்பட்டு, அதில் பொம்மைகள் அடுக்கி வைக்கப்படுகின்றன. ஒன்பது படிகள் அமைப்பது மரபு. ஒவ்வொரு படியிலும் ஐதீகப்படி பொம்மைகளை வைக்க வேண்டும்.
1வது படி - ஓரறிவு உயிரினம் (மரம், செடி, கொடி, மர பொம்மைகள்)
2வது படி - இரண்டறிவு உயிரினம் (நத்தை, சங்கு, ஆமை பொம்மைகள்)
3வது படி - மூன்றறிவு உயிரினம் (எறும்பு, கரையான் பொம்மைகள்)
4வது படி - நான்கறிவு உயிரினம் (நண்டு, வண்டு, பறவை பொம்மைகள்)
5வது படி - ஐந்தறிவு உயிரினம் (ஆடு, மாடு, சிங்கம், புலி, நாய் பொம்மைகள்)
6வது படி - ஆறறிவு உயிரினம் (மனித பொம்மைகள்)
7வது படி - மனிதனுக்கு அப்பாற்பட்ட மகரிஷிகள், முனிவர்கள்.
8வது படி - தேவர்கள், நவக்கிரகங்கள், பஞ்சபூத தெய்வங்கள்.
9வது படி - பிரம்மா, விஷ்ணு, சிவன், அம்மன், விநாயகக் கடவுளர்.
இம்முறைப்படி கொலு வைத்து, முப்பெரும் தேவியரை வணங்கி வரும் போது கல்வி, செல்வம், வீரம் இம்மூன்றும் நம்மிடம் செழித்தோங்கும்.
கொலுபடி தத்துவம் !
கொலுவில் கீழேயுள்ள மூன்று படிகளில் வைக்கப்படும் அரிசி, பருப்பு, பாத்திரம் போன்றவை, தாமச குணத்தைக் குறிக்கும்; அடுத்த மூன்று படிகளில் வைக்கப்படும் அரசர், ராணி, மந்திரி போன்றவை, ரஜோ குணத்தைக் காட்டும்; மற்ற மூன்று படிகளில் வைக்கப்படும் தெய்வ உருவங்கள் சத்வ குணத்தை அடையும் வழியை நமக்குக் காட்டுகின்றன.
சரஸ்வதி வழிபாட்டின் பலன்!
வேதங்களில் முக்கியமாகப் போற்றப்படும் சரஸ்வதி யாகத்தைக் காப்பவள். அறிவு, ஞானம், தேஜஸ், வீரம், வெற்றி ஆகியவற்றை அளிப்பவள். இனிய வாழ்க்கையைக் கொடுப்பவள். யாகத்தின் இறுதியில் கூறப்படும், "சுவாகா' என்ற பதம் சரஸ்வதியைக் குறிக்கும். வீடுகளில் சரஸ்வதியை வழிபட்டால் இன்பம் பெருகும். ***
நங்கையருக்கு நலம் தரும் நவராத்திரி!
சக்தியை சித்திரை மாதத்தில் வழிபடுவது, "வசந்த நவராத்திரி!' புரட்டாசி மாதத்தில் வழிபடுவது, "பாத்ரபத நவராத்திரி' அல்லது "சாரதா நவராத்திரி. சாரதா நவராத்திரியை கொண்டாடுவது எல்லாருக்கும் சிறப்பு தரும்.நவராத்திரி வழிபாட்டால் கன்னிப் பெண்கள் திருமண பாக்கியம் பெறுவர். சுமங்கலி பெண்கள் பெறுவது மாங்கல்ய அனுகூலம். மூத்த சுமங்கலிப் பெண்கள் மகிழ்ச்சி, மன நிறைவு, திருப்தி பெறுவர். புரட்டாசி மாத வளர்பிறை பிரதமையில் தொடங்கி, விஜயதசமியில் முடிகிறது. பத்து நாட்கள் கொண்டாடப்படுவதால், "தசரா' என்று அழைக்கின்றனர். நவதுர்க்கை: வன துர்க்கை, சூலினி துர்க்கை, ஜாதவேதோ துர்க்கை, ஜூவாலா துர்க்கை, சாந்தி துர்க்கை, சபரி துர்க்கை, தீப துர்க்கை, ஆகரி துர்க்கை, லவண துர்க்கை. இவர்கள் துர்க்கையின் அம்சங்கள். அஷ்டலட்சுமி: ஆதிலட்சுமி, மகாலட்சுமி, தனலட்சுமி, தானிய லட்சுமி, சந்தானலட்சுமி, வீரலட்சுமி, விஜயலட்சுமி, கஜலட்சுமி. இவை லட்சுமியின் அம்சங்கம்.
அஷ்ட சரஸ்வதி; வாகீஸ்வரி, சித்ரேஸ்வரி, துளஜா, கீத்தீஸ்வரி, அந்தரிட்ச சரஸ்வதி, கட சரஸ்வதி, நீல சரஸ்வதி, கிளி சரஸ்வதி. இவர்கள் சரஸ்வதியின் அம்சங்கள். உலகம் சக்தி மயமானது என்பதை விளக்குவதே நவராத்திரியின் உன்னத தத்துவம். அனைத்து உருவங்களிலும், எல்லா இடங்களிலும் தேவி வியாபித்து இருக்கிறாள் என்பதை குறிக்கும் விதமாகவே கொலு வைத்து வணங்குகிறோம். விரதம் இருக்கும் பக்தர்கள் (பெண்கள்) அன்னையை பல வேடங்கள் புனைந்து வழிபாடு செய்கின்றனர்.
வாழ்க வளமுடன்,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


As Bengalis,Biharis and other devotees of Maa Shakti believe that Devi,after staying in our Home will come back Next year.Let us pray "come Back.
( view of the Immersion of Maa from Vaishali Durga Pandal.Bangalore,in hulimau
lake(author envy)


AUTHOR seeking the Blessings of "vigna Harta" and Maa Kali in vaishali Durga Pandal,Bangalore

Saturday, October 16, 2010



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
On the Occasion of Madhvanavaratrosava His Holiness Sri Sri 1008 Sri
suyateendra Thirtha Swamiji organized and participated in Homas like
Navagraha, PurushaSuktha, SriSuktha, Shri Raghavendra Ashtaakshara,
MahaSudarshana, BruhatiSahasra and Vishnu Yaagaas and and conducted
upnasayams by eminent Scholars and manymore.His Holiness gave his Anugraha
Sandesha . Please see the photos and pictures below:


Thursday, October 7, 2010

havan ( innovative part)

violet line of Delhi metro (central secretariat to sarita vihar) was thrown open to Luckey Delhi public and for CWG participants,etc on 3/10/10 at 8am.The most innovative and pleasing part of the function was 'HAVAN' to lord ganapati.Indeed
he is "vigna Kartha"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bhakthiful. Age No Bar( author envy)

Vaishno Mata Jagran is going on. See the Baby .Observe total Bhakthi. Jai Mata ti


Where is this Ganesha ( gowri Ganesa Habba of Bangalore) the author had Darshan and Blessings.Yes He has been immersed in the Lake. No mind .Whereever
he is there ,and whatever form he is, he would Bless. It is his quality. U may worship him in all form.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Eight tonnes- Two lakh cut flowers -import from Bankok and Nepal

· Eight tones of traditional flowers including Two lakh cut flowers worth Rs.26 lakhs

· Rare Flowers imported from Nepal and Bangkok

· Huge Donations from devotees

· Flower show over 1.5 acres in Tirumala

Tirumala. September 13: The TTD has received eight tones of flowers including 600 kgs for the decoration of moola statue during the annual Brahmotsavam-2010.

This was disclosed by the TTD Garden Superintendent Sri Srinivas at a media interaction got up as part of Brahmotsavams .

He said two lakh number sof various varieties of rose (ten colors of 20 varieties) had been given as donation to the temple for the festival season . Sepcial import of rare flowers were also from Nepal and \bankok for important occasions .

He said 224 floral decorators from all over the country and 100 TTD staff were engaged in making garlands for the rituals at the Srivari Temple during Brahmotsavam. ‘During the festival periods all medians, avenues and traffic islands were being decked up with flowers in an effort to beautify Tirumala for the swarming devotees and pilgrims.

Srinivas said during the Brahmotsavam the Srivari Temple will be completed decorated with flowers during the Dwajarohanam , Garuda Seva and Rathotsavam festivals “ One time decoration of Srivari temple cost around Rs.10-12 lakhs ‘ he said .. Dashavatara , Astha lakshmi floral cut outs and the floral archs have been set up at several junctions in Tirumala and Tirupati for the entertainment of the pilgrims.

He seven new gardens were being developed in addition to existing ornamental flower gardens . One big garden will emerge at Narayanigiri gardens at a cost of Rs. Four croes and six others will be developed at selected locations each with an investment of Rs.60 lakhs . “ GMR has offered to give technical support “ he said.

Prominent among the donors were state health minister Danam Nagender , busuinessmen ,industrial tycoons and civilians from Bngalore,, Chennai, Hyderabad and Pune.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thanks www.Tirumala.org




Saturday, August 21, 2010


JUST 16 MONTHS OLD achuyut,learing one of the CHOTACHA UPASHAR to lord.ie waving New cloth to Goddess varalakshmi after the KARPOORA ARATHI.THE Festival on 20/8/10.A

Monday, August 9, 2010

sweet name.Sweet Passion

ANY NUMBER OF pages,one can write about Sikhism,Gurudwara,and Guidance of Sikh gurus.
This author is the ardent devotee of Gurdwaras,and in fact I have seen the historic one like "Nanded" etc.
The visit of gurudwara,does not end,but with Guru ka Lanker.They have passion in serving the Prashad,Whenever they serve the itmes,they add the word prashad.For exaple Roti is called Roti Prashad.Dal as dalprashad,keerprashad.
The passionate resembles the "krisna culture" wherein many believe,before u take any food,the same should be offered to Lord Krishana and than the offering should be Christened as "krisna Prasad" I try to follow,both.A real value addition

Thursday, August 5, 2010

krishna,s cup for Butter.(exclusive)

Lord Krisna and his Childhood habits,like consuming milk,curd,eating Butter,in the company of "yadavs" is part of India and every Indian is proud of "GOD" Balkisna.

You must have heard many stories coming round in Poems,Satsangs etc pertaining to the above habits.

It is recorded in a poem that Lord consumed milk directly from Cow.When eating Butter,he made the leaves of FICUS KRISHNA*( FAMILY MORACEAE) .

THIS Tree can be viewed in Krishi Vigyan Kendra ( govt Agrl college; Hebbal Bangalore,duly highlighting the nature of the leaves of FICUS KRISHNA.

kamika Ekadasi.haarr krisna haare Rama(thanks vaisnava calender

Kamika Ekadasi

KAmikA EkAdasii - from BrahmA Vaivarta PurANa:

The saintly king Yudhisthira maharaj said, “Oh Supreme Lord, I have heard from You the glories of fasting on Deva-sayani EkAdasii, which occurs during the light fortnight of the month of AshADha. Now I would like to hear from You the glories of the EkAdasii that occurs during the dark fortnight (krishna paksha) of the month of ShrAvaNa (July –August). Oh Govindadeva, please be merciful to me and explain its glories. Oh Supreme VAsudeva, I offer my most humble obeisances unto You.”

The Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna, replied, “Oh King, please listen attentively as I describe the auspicious influence of this Holy fast (vrata) day, which removes all sins. Narada Muni once asked Lord BrahmA about this same topic. ‘Oh regent of all beings,’ said NAradji, ‘Oh you who sit upon a water born lotus throne, please tell me the names of the EkAdasii that occurs during the dark fortnight of the sacred month of ShrAvaNa. Please also tell me which Deity is to be worshipped on that Holy day, the process one must follow to observe it, and the merit it awards.’

“Lord BrahmA replied, ‘My dear son Narada, for the benefit of all humanity I shall happily tell you everything you wish to know, for just hearing the glories of the KAmikA EkAdasii bestows merit equal to that obtained by one who performs a horse sacrifice. Certainly, great merit is attained by one who worships, and who also meditates on the lotus feet of the four-armed Lord GadAdhara, who holds conchshell, disc, club and lotus in His hands and who is also known as Shridhara, Hari, Vishnu, Madhava, and MadhusUdana. And the blessings achieved by such a person / devotee, who worships Lord Vishnu exclusively are far greater than those achieved by one who takes a sacred bath in the Ganges at KAshi (VarANasii), in the forest of NaimishAraNya, or at Pushkara, which is the only place on the planet where I am formally worshipped. But one who observes this KAmikA EkAdasii and also worships Lord Shri Krishna achieves greater merit than one who has darshana of Lord KedAranAtha in the HimAlayas, or one who bathes at Kurukshetra during a solar eclipse, or one who donates the whole Earth in charity, including its forests and oceans, or one who bathes in the GaNDaki River (where the sacred Shaligrams are found) or the GodAvari River on a full moon (purnima) day that falls on a Monday when Leo (Simha) and Jupiter (Guru) are conjoined (conjunct).

“ ’Observing KAmikA EkAdasii bestows the same merit as donating a milk-cow and her auspicious calf, along with their feed. On this all auspicious day, whosoever worships Lord Sri Shridhara-deva, Vishnu, is glorified by all the devas, Gandharvas, Pannagas, and NAgas.

“ ‘Those who are afraid of their past sins and completely immersed in sinful materialistic life should at least observe this best of EkAdasiis according to their ability and thus attain liberation. This EkAdasii is the purest of all days and the most powerful for removing sins of the native. Oh Narada ji, Lord Shri Hari Himself once said about this EkAdasii, “One who fasts on KAmikA EkAdasii attains much more merit than one who studies all the spiritual literatures.”

“ ‘Anyone who fasts on this particular day remains awake throughout the night will never experience the anger of YamarAja, the king of death personified. It has been seen that whoever observes KAmikA EkAdasii will not have to suffer future births, and in the past too, many Yogis of devotion who fasted on this day went to the spiritual world. One should therefore follow in their auspicious footsteps and strictly observe a fast on this most auspicious of EkAdasiis.

“ ‘Whosoever worships Lord Shri Hari with Tulasi leaves is freed from all implication of sin. Indeed, he lives untouched by sin, as the lotus leaf, although in the water, is untouched by it. Whosoever offers Lord Shri Hari but a single leaf from the sacred Tulasi tree (occillium basilcum sanctum) attains as much merit as one who gives away in charity two hundred grams of gold and eight hundred grams of silver. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is more pleased by one who offers Him a single Tulasi leaf than by one who worships Him with pearls, rubies, topaz, diamonds, lapis lazuli, sapphires, gomedA stones (gomaz), cat’s eye gems, and coral. One who offers Lord Keshava newly grown maNjari buds from the Tulasi plant gets rid of all the sins he has committed during this or any other lifetime. Indeed, mere darshana of Tulasi on KAmikA EkAdasii removes all sins, and merely touching her and praying to her removes all kinds of disease. One who waters Tulasi devi need never fear the Lord of death, YamarAja. One who plants or transplants Tulasi on this days will eventually reside with Lord Shri Krishna in His own abode. To Srimati Tulasi devi, who awards liberation in devotional service, one should therefore daily offer one’s full obeisances.

“ ‘Even Chitragupta, YamarAja’s secretary, cannot calculate the merit obtained by one who offers Shrimati Tulasi-devi a perpetually burning ghee lamp. So dear is this sacred EkAdasii to the Supreme Personality of Godhead that all the forefathers of one who offers a bright ghee lamp to Lord Shri Krishna on this day ascend to the heavenly planets and drink the celestial nectar there. Whoever offers a ghee or sesame oil lamp to Shri Krishna on this day is freed from all his sins and enters the abode of Surya, the Sun-god, with a body as bright as ten million lamps. This EkAdasii is so powerful that if one who is unable to fast simply follows the practices as mentioned herein, s/he is elevated to the heavenly planets, along with all their forefathers.

“ ‘Oh Maharaj Yudhisthira,” Lord Shri Krishna concluded, “…these were the words of prajapathi BrahmA to his son Narada Muni concerning the incalculable glories of this KAmikA EkAdasii, which removes all sins. This sacred day nullifies even the sin of killing a brAhmaNa or the sin of killing an unborn child in the womb, and it promotes one to the spiritual world by making one supremely meritorious.
One who kills the innocent, i.e., a brahmin (brAhmaNa), a child in the womb, a pious and spotless woman, etc., and then later hears about the glories of KAmikA EkAdasii will be relieved of the reaction to one’s sins. However, one should NOT think beforehand that one can kill a Brahmin or other innocent folk and then go unpunished simply by hearing of this EkAdasii. Such knowing commission of sin is an abomination.

Whosoever hears these glories of the KAmikA EkAdasii with faith becomes free of all sins and returns home, back to Godhead – Vishnu-loka, Vaikuntha.

Thus ends the narration of the glories of the ShrAvaNa-kRshNa EkAdasii, or KAmikA EkAdasii,
from the Brahma-Vaivarta PurANa.

These stories have been summarised and slightly changed or abbreviated from how they are found in the celebrated book, "Ekadasi: The Day of Lord Hari" 1986. HH Krishna Balaram Swami. Bhaktivedanta Institute Press, Pages 105-107.

Note:: Special thanks to Jaya Tirtha Caran prabhu from NZ for allowing us to use some of the content from his site to compile these pages.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010


Sri Lokanatha Goswami

I worship Sri Lokanatha Prabhu, the son of Sri Padmanabha, who possessed great wealth of devotion to Sri Sri Radha-vinoda, and always engaged in Their service.

Srila Loknatha Gosvami was born in the village of Talkhari, within the district of Jessore, Bangladesh, as the son of Sri Padmanabha Bhattacarya and his wife, Sri Sita devi. Talkhari can be reached from Sonakhali and Khejura.

Sri Padmanabha Bhattacarya was a devoted follower of Sri Adwaita Acarya, who was very fond of Sri Padmanabha. The younger brother of Lokanatha was Pragalbha Bhattacarya. His descendants are still residing at Talkhari.

From his childhood Lokanath was disinterested in worldly affairs. He decided to leave his home and came to Navadwip to have darshan of Mahaprabhu. Sri Gaursundara very lovingly embraced Lokanath and instructed him to go to Vrindavana as soon as possible. Lokanath could understand that Mahaprabhu would renounce His family life within a few days and he was aggrieved at this. Mahaprabhu consoled him and told him that they would meet again in Vrindavana.

"With tears flowing from his eyes Lokanath offered his obeisances to Mahaprabhu. The all-omniscient Lord lovingly embraced him and after explaining some hidden truths to him, He instructed him to go to Vrindavana. Thus Lokanatha, after surrendering his self at the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu, set out for Vrindavana. [B. R. 1st Taranga]

Lokanatha never returned home. Being afflicted greatly by separation from the Lord, he set out to tour the holy places, and then finally came to Vrindavana.

Meanwhile Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted sannyasa and then came to Nilacala. After some time, when Mahaprabhu set out on His tour of South India, Lokanatha, having received this news also journeyed to the south. Then Mahaprabhu came to Vrindavana; Lokanatha followed Him there. But by the time he reached Vraja­bhumi, Mahaprabhu had already left for Prayaga. Lokanatha was extremely sad. Again having missed darshan of his Prabhu, He decided to leave the next morning for Prayaga.

In a dream however, Prabhu came to console Lokanatha and requested him to stay at Vrindavana. Thus Lokanatha remained at Vrajadhama, not wanting to neglect the order of Mahaprabhu. He stayed alone, his presence unknown to anyone. But after some days he met the dear disciples of Mahaprabhu - Sri Rupa, Sri Sanatana, Sri Gopal Bhatta, Sri Bhugarbha, and others. They were all very affectionate to one another and it was as though they were of one mind.

Amongst the Goswamis, Lokanatha was the eldest. He was always intensely absorbed in loving ecstatic mellows. In Hari bhakti vilasa we find this verse: "I worship Srimate Kasisvara, Srimate Lokanath and Srimad Krsna das Kaviraj, who have taken shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Govinda and who are very dear to Sri Vrindavana."

Lokanatha Goswami used to visit the many places of Krsna's pastimes within Vrajadhama and in this way he was always absorbed in intense ecstasy. Lokanath came to the banks of Kisori-kunda within the village of Umrao, by the side of Chatrabon, and remained there for a few days. Lokanatha wanted very much to be able to worship the Deity form of the Lord, and Sri Krsna, who is within the heart of everyone, thus presented a Deity form of Himself to Lokanatha to worship. This Deity's name is Radha-Vinoda. Having received this Deity, Lokanath looked up to see who had brought Him, but seeing no one present he began to reflect on the mystery of His appearance.

Seeing Lokanatha deep in thought, Radha-Vinoda laughed, "Who would have brought Me here! I have come Myself! I live here on the banks of Kisori kunda and this is My village - Umrao. Now please give me some thing to eat."

Lokanatha was beside himself with bliss and being immersed in that ecstasy, he prepared some foodstuffs and offered them to Radha-Vinoda. Then he made a bed of flowers and made the Deity lie down to take rest. He fanned the Deity with some leaves and meditated on massaging the lotus feet of his Lord. Having surrendered his body, mind and very life itself, he was totally absorbed as though drinking a flow of honey-like nectar.

Lokanatha Goswami had no permanent abode. Some Vrajavasi villagers wanted to build a little hut for him but he wouldn't agree. He made a bag for Radha-Vinoda which he kept around his neck. Radha-Vinoda was as though a rare gem suspended on a necklace round the neck of Lokanatha. His activities represented the crest jewel of asceticism and the other Goswamis managed to keep him in their company only by great endeavour.

It is very difficult to describe the character of Lokanatha Goswami, who was so dear to Mahaprabhu. When Mahaprabhu and some of the other Goswamis began their pastimes of disappearance, Lokanatha maintained his life only due to the desire of Mahaprabhu. Sri Lokanatha Goswami initiated Narottama dasa Thakur Mahasaya in the divine mantra. There is no mention anywhere of any other disciple of his. It is not possible to describe the care with which Narottama Thakura served his guru. In the early morning he would clean the place where his guru passed stool and urine.

Lokanatha Goswami, having become quite advanced in years, entered into his eternal pastimes, while residing at Khadir bon (Khoyra gram). There is a large lake there called Sri Yugal kunda on the banks of which his samadhi has been established. His worshipable Deities Sri Sri Radha-Vinoda are at present being worshiped in Jaipur, Rajasthan. His puspa samadhi is within the courtyard of Sri Gokulananda Mandira.

It is said that Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Goswami approached Lokanatha Goswami for his blessings and any information that he might be able to supply in order that he might satisfactorily compose Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. At that time, Lokanatha forbade Kaviraj Goswami to mention his name or describe anything about him. In order to honor the request of this great Vaisnava, he therefore didn't write anything about him. His disappearance is on the eighth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Sravan.

Sri Narottama dasa Thakur Mahasaya has prayed at the lotus feet of his guru as follows: "Oh My Lord, Lokanatha! Please keep me at your feet, and if it pleases you, please let your glance of mercy fall upon me. I have a great longing that my mind's desires might be fulfilled. Wherever one gets the association of Lord Caitanya, there also he gets the association of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. If you are not merciful to me, then who will be? This time, please fulfill my mind's desires. In the three worlds I have no one other than you. Please keep me near your lotus feet, where I might hear, day and night, your songs describing the lila of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. Without you, the desire of Narottama cannot be fulfilled."

Note: Special thanks to Jaya Tirtha Caran prabhu from NZ for allowing us to use some of the content from his site to compile these pages.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


July 16, 2010
xJuly 15, 2010
c July 14, 2010
Sri Krishnadevaraya(more)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


thank god IT return has been filed.Enjoyed the Palace grounds

Monday, July 19, 2010

exclusivePhoto envy.

Sitting before the Shani Mahatma Sannidhi in Shanieaswara temple; Domlur(bangalore).The temple is a clean and recommended for a visit.Temple has
got sannidhis for Lord Vigneswara,Shani Mahatma( centre) and Lord subrmanya(
delhi friends call as KARTHIKEYA.
A exclusive sannidhi for Maa Gayatri devi,whereas the Navagrahas are placed in a
separate enclosure alongwith Lord Hanuman.Freindly pujaris. Special slogans are
in board before each God,eliminating intermediaterys( surprise that too in English too) Yes, u, yourselves recite and memorise the same while visiting other such temples.
Since it is just on the stands of Busstop 201,u need not have any bargain with auto rickshaws.
Yes. u will visit this saturday

oneness Centre;Amma Bhagwan;(domlur.Bangalore)18/7/10

The centre is to be visited every body.The centre trained couple of students " vidya deeksha" for improved Memory Power,excellence in studies as per a spokes man
there.(3 days ending to day)The institution will also celebrate Mahalakhsmi homa in Negamam Tamil Nadu on 25/7/10,alongwith Marriage to God?participation RS551/ Amma Bhagwan hare.hare

Monday, July 5, 2010

hare krisna(reach chuchura) thanks vaisnava calendar

Sri Srivasa Pandita

asyaartho vivrtas tair yah
sa sankshipyaa vilikhyate
bhakta-rupo gaurachandro
yato 'sau nandanandanah

bhakta-swarupo nityanando
vraje yah sri-halayudhah
bhaktaavatara acaryo
'dvaito yah sri-sadaasivah

bhaktaakhyaah srinivaasaadyaa
yatas te bhakta-rupinah
bhakta-shaktir dvi jaagranyah

"I shall now summarily explain the meaning of these words. In this Pancha-tattwa, the bhakta-rupa (form of a devotee) is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who formerly appeared as Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaj. The bhakta-swarupa (devotional incarnation) is Lord Nityananda, who formerly appeared in Vrajabhumi as Lord Balarama. The bhaktaavatara (devotional manifestation) is Lord Advaita Acarya, who is not different from Sadaashiva. The bhataakhya (pure devotee) is Srinivasa and other great devotees as well. The bhakta-shakti (devotional energy) is Gadadhara Pandita, the foremost of brahmanas." (Gaura Ganodesh Dipika 11.)

atra trayah samunneyaa
vighraha prabhavaash ca te

eko mahaaprabhur jneyah
sri-caitanya dayaambudhih
prabhu dvau sri-yutau nityaa-
nandaadvaitau mahaashayau

goswaamino vighrash ca
te dvi jaash ca gadaadharah
pancha-tattwaatmaka ete
srinivaasas ca panditah

"Lord Chaitanya, Lord Nityananda Avadhuta, and Lord Advaita, are all incarnations of the supremly exalted Personality of Godhead, and They are all known by the title Prabhu (Master). Among Them, Lord Chaitanya, Who is an ocean of mercy, is known as Mahaprabhu (The Great Master), and the great personalities Lord Nityananda and Lord Advaita are known only as Prabhu (Master). All three are also known as Goswami (Master of the Senses). Gadaadhara is called by the title Dvija (Brahmana, and Srinivaasa is called by the title Pandita (Learned Scholar). These are the titles of the members of the Pancha-tattwa." (Gaura Ganodesha Dipika 13.)

"O my Lord Gaurahari, You are the abode of auspiciousness which is as beautiful as the kirtana of Krsna. You are the ocean of elegance, bestower of constant flow of devotion and mountain of love which is as bright as gold. Your beautiful features give soothing relief to the eyes of every living being and you are mankind's salvation from all kinds of misfortune. You are the center of the Lila Vilasa, and the life of the devotees. Be kind to me." (Bhakti-ratnakara. KJÄ1.)

"O my Prabhu, Sri Gopala Bhatta, the bee at the lotus like feet of Sri Gaura. You are the sun which destroys the darkness of illusion, the ocean of kindness and the greatest of all the brahmanas. You are the son of Sri Venkata Bhatta and a valuable ornament of divine love and devotion. You are the destroyer of worldly miseries and a resort of happiness to the misery stricken people. O Lord save me." (Bhakti-ratnakara. KJÄ.2.)

"O my Prabhu, Srila Gopala Bhatta, a bee at the lotus like feet of Mahaprabhu. You are the most skillful devotee of the Lord. O my Prabhu Srinivasa, whose complexion is as golden as Sri Sacinandana, you are the king amongst all the brahmanas. Please bless me." (Bhakti-ratnakara. KJÄ3.)

"I constantly worship the companions of Srinivasa Prabhu who is like the wishing tree of devotional love of Sri Krsna Caitanya Candra." (Bhakti-ratnakara. KJÄ4.)

"My dear listeners, please repeatedly and joyfully hear the Bhaktiratnakara which is the life of all Vaisnavas and the destroyer of all miseries and misfortunes." (Bhakti-ratnakara. KJÄ5.)

"Sri Gadadhara is expansion Radharani and Srinivasa is the expansion of Narada Muni, or in other words they are the internal and the devotional energy respectively." (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. 27th May 1970. Letter to Tamal Krishna.)

srivas-pandito dhimaan
yah pura narado munih
purvataakhyo muni-varo
ya aasin narada-priyah
sa raama-panditah srimams

"Intelligent Srivaasa Pandita had previously been Narada Muni, the best of the sages. Srivaasa's younger brother, Sriman Rama Pandita, had previously been Narada's close friend Parvata Muni" (Gaura Ganodesh Dipika 90.)

Srila Vrindavana dasa Thakura, the Vyasadeva of Sri Gaurasundara's pastimes, has sung the praises of Srivasa Pandita in this way:

"It was in Srivasa Pandita's house that Sri Caitanya enacted His pastimes of sankirtana. Those four brothers (Srivasa, Sri Rama, Sripati and Srinidhi) were continuously engaged in singing the names of Sri Krsna. They worshipped Sri Krsna and bathed in the Ganges thrice daily."

These four brothers previously lived in the district of Sri Hatta. Later on they came to reside on the banks of the Ganges. There they regularly used to attend the assembly of devotees who gathered at Sri Advaita Acarya's house to hear the Srimad Bhagavatam and engage in congregational chanting of the Holy Names. Gradually the brothers became very close friends of Sri Jagannatha Misra, with whom they would chant and listen to the Bhagavatam.

In all matters Srivasa was the leader of the four brothers. By the strength of his devotion, he could understand that Sri Krsna was going to appear in the house of Jagannatha Misra.

Srivasa Pandits's wife's name was Sri Malinidevi. She was a very close friend of Sri Sacidevi and was always very helpful to her.

Seeing the wretched state of the fallen living entities in Kali yuga, the devotees began to plaintively pray to the Lord for their deliverance. Krsna hears the call of His devotees. On the full moon day in the month of Phalguna, in the year 1407 (Christian era 1486), the Lord incarnated Himself. With His appearance there was the simultaneous dawning of all-auspiciousness within the world as it became filled with Harinama. Just as Sri Advaita Acarya, from Santipura, could understand that the Lord had appeared, similarly, Srivasa and some of the other devotees of Navadwipa also understood.

Since previously Malinidevi was engaged in attending upon Sacidevi, Srivasa and Jagannatha Misra came to her at this time and hinted that she was especially needed now.

As long as the Lord chooses not to reveal Himself, no one can possibly recognize Him. Therefore, even though from His childhood the Lord exhibited many supernatural abilities, still, due to His deluding potency, the devotees could not fully understand His true nature.

Their hearts were simply filled with parental affection for Him, without a trace of awe or reverence. Srivasa and Malini gave Sacidevi and Jagannatha much advice how to raise their new son. Srivasa and Malini were just like a mother and father to Sri Gaurasundara. Because young Nimai Pandita seemed to have grown arrogant by His scholarship, one day Srivasa Pandita decided to give Him good counsel.

"Why do people study? So that they might understand what is devotion to Sri Krsna," he told Nimai. "If by scholarship one doesn't gain devotion to Sri Krsna, then how will that learning help him? It becomes simply a tedious endeavour which in the end is nothing but a waste of time. If you have actually learned something then begin your worship of Sri Krsna now. Make haste. This is the purpose of your life."

Nimai laughed as He replied, "By your mercy certainly that will come to be. If you are all kind enough for me, then definitely I'll attain devotion to Sri Krsna's lotus feet."

Shortly thereafter Mahaprabhu journeyed to Gaya where He performed the pastimes of accepting initiation from Sri Isvara Puri. Thus gradually, He began to take up His real work of distributing loving devotion to Sri Krsna.

One day, in an ecstatic mood, Lord Gauranga entered Srivasa's house asking, "Srivas, whom do you worship? Whom do you meditate upon? Now with your own two eyes, see that person standing before you." [C.B. Madhya 2/258]

Saying this, Mahaprabhu entered the Deity room within Srivasa's home temple and sat down on the simhasana of Lord Visnu, revealing His own four-armed form, holding the conch, disc club and lotus flower. Seeing this form, Srivasa was totally stupefied.

Sri Gaurasundara then said, "Due to being called by your sankirtana and the loud roaring of Sri Advaita Acarya, I have left Vaikuntha and have descended upon this mortal world, accompanied by My eternal associates, will destroy the miscreants and deliver the pious. Now, without fear, you can chant my glories."

Hearing these words of His Lord, which dispelled all fear, Srivasa fell on the ground, offering his obeisances. Then he began to recite hymns in praise of the Lord.

"My obeisances at the lotus feet of the support of the entire universe Visvambhara, Whose bodily colour is like that of a newly arrived rain cloud and wore garments which are the color of a thunderbolt. My obeisances at the lotus feet of the son of Saci, who is bedecked with ornaments of peacock feathers and a garland of read beads (gunja-mala). My obeisances at the lotus feet of the pupil of Ganga dasa, the beauty of whose lotus face conquers that of ten million moons. My obeisances at your lotus feet, You who carry a buffalo horn, stick and flute. The four Vedas have proclaimed You to be the son of Nanda. Unto You my dear Lord, my obeisances I offer again and again." [C.B.Madhya 2/272]

"Today my birth, my activities, my everything has become successful. Today my very existence has been crowned with the greatest auspiciousness. Today the race of my forefathers has finally born fruit, and my house, which was also their house, has become blessed. Today the great fortune of my eyes is completely beyond calculation, because I have been able to see that person whose lotus feet are served by the goddess of fortune, Laksmi­devi".

Having described the glories of Sri Gaurasundara in various ways, Sri Gaurasundara showed even more compassion to Srivasa by revealing Himself to all of his family members. Seeing the niece of Srivasa Pandita present before Him, Prabhu called to her, "Narayani! Call upon Sri Krsna with tears in your eyes."

And immediately this little girl, only four years of age, as if in a delirious frenzy began to cry out, "Hari! Krsna!" while shedding tears incessantly. In fact the flood of tears coursed down her body to such an extent that the ground around her feet became soaked." [C.B. Madhya. 2].

Seeing little Narayani totally agitated in ecstatic love, Srivasa's wife and even the household servants also began to shed tears of love. The courtyard of Srivasa took on a very beautiful appearance, being decorated with ecstatic love for Krsna.

There was one maidservant in Srivasa Pandita's house by the name Duhkhi. Every day she used to bring water from the Ganga for Mahaprabhu's bath. One day Gaurasundara asked Srivasa, "Who brings this water?"

"Duhkhi brings it," Srivasa replied.

"From today her name is Sukhi." Thus the Lord indicated that those who serve the Lord and the Lord's devotees are not duhkhi (sad); rather, they are sukhi (happy).

At this time Sri Gaursundor began His lila as the yuga-avatara at the house of Srivasa Pandit. Having been reunited with Sri Nityananda Prabhu He started congregational chanting of the Lord's Holy Names in the courtyard of Srivasa's house. Nityananda Prabhu took up His residence there. Sri Malinidevi served Nitya­nanda as though He were her own son.

Sri Nityananda was actually Sri Baladeva Himself, and in His pastimes as Lord Nityananda He behaved somewhat like a madman. He was always overwhelmed by love of Krsna, and was not aware of the state of His outward dress or ornaments.

One evening, Sri Gaurasundara, accompanied by His associates, was engaged in chanting and dancing at the house of Srivasa Thakura when one of Srivas Thakur's sons passed away after having suffered the effects of some disease. Within the inner apartment of his house, the women began to wail in lamentation at the boy's untimely death. Srivasa Pandita, who was outside in the courtyard, understood some tragedy must have taken place.
He quickly entered the house only to find that his son had passed on to the next world. As he was a very grave devotee and completely conversant in the science of the Absolute Truth, he was able to console the women in their grief.

"You are all aware of Krsna's glories, so please restrain yourselves and don't cry. Whoever during his last moment hears the Lord's Holy Name, even though he might be the greatest sinner, attains Krsna's abode. And that incomparably wonderful Lord, He whose glories are sung by all His servants up to and including Lord Brahma, is now personally dancing in the courtyard of your house.

"This moment is so auspicious that it is sure this boy has successfully completed his journey from this world. Is there anything to be lamented at in this? His good fortune is completely assured. I can understand that whatever part I have played in this is also crowned with success." [C.B.M 25.30]

He concluded by telling them, "If you can't control your emotions because of your family affection to the boy, then at least don't cry now, you can cry later. The Supreme Lord of Gokula Himself, Sri Gaurasundara, is performing sankirtana accompanied by His devotees in this house. If, due to your crying, the happiness that He is experiencing from dancing in ecstasy during sankirtana is disturbed, then I will just this minute jump into the Ganges and thus give up my own life."

"Not a blade of grass moves unless by Krsna's will. To see in this happiness or distress, or knowledge or ignorance is simply imagination. Know that whatever Krsna wills is good, and thus, giving up your own selfish desires, become free from confusion and unnecessary botheration. Krsna is giving and Krsna is taking away, and it is Krsna alone Who is maintaining everyone. Someone He protects and someone He destroys, all according to His will. If someone contemplates something contrary to Krsna's will, then as a result of His desire He only get torment. Giving up all lamentation, simply hear Krsna's name, and thus pass through all difficulties feeling great happiness. Then your desires will actually be fulfilled.'

Having given all of these instructions to those present, Srivasa again went outside to join Mahaprabhu in ecstatic chanting and dancing. The women, leaving the dead body, came to hear the kirtan of Mahaprabhu. And so Mahaprabhu continued His chanting until the middle of the night.

When everyone was at last leaving to take rest, Mahaprabhu spoke. "Today My mind is feeling some tribulation. I think some sad event has occurred in Srivasa's house."

The pandit replied, "What possible unhappiness could there be in that person's house where Your divinely blissful countenance is seen?"
"Srivasa! Why wasn't I feeling bliss in kirtana today? What inauspicious thing transpired in your house?"

Srivasa answered, "My Lord, You are Yourself all auspicious. Where You are present, no sorrow can be found anywhere!" But the other devotees informed the Lord that Srivasa's son had passed away.

Hearing this news, Gaura Raya cried out, "Alas, what a tragic event. Why didn't you tell me of this unfortunate news before?"

"I will explain," Srivasa Pandita replied. "I couldn't tolerate disturbing You while You were enjoying sankirtana. If one of my sons dies, what sorrow is there in that for me? If we all die while seeing You, that would actually be a matter of great happiness. On the other hand, if You would have to stop dancing, then perhaps I would have died. My Lord, this was the danger that I feared, and thus I didn't tell you at the time."

Seeing Srivasa Pandita's profound devotion, Sri Gaurasundara said, "How can I give up such company as this?" With tears in His eyes He continued. "Due to love for Me, he didn't even feel lamentation at the death of his son. How will I abandon their companionship?"

The Lord continued to cry, and the devotees began to worry within, having heard Him speak of leaving them.

Thereafter Mahaprabhu came to where the dead body of the infant was lying. Touching it, He called, "Boy! Why are you going away and leaving Srivasa Pandita?"

The life of the dead child returned at the touch of Mahaprabhu's hand. After offering obeisances to the Lord, he replied, "O Prabhu! Whatever You ordain is absolute. No one can do anything but what is sanctioned by You. As many days as I was destined to remain here, that many days I have stayed. Now that my time has elapsed, I have proceeded to leave.

"My Lord, I have taken birth and died repeatedly. But this time, at the time of death, I passed away quite happily, having taken darsana of Your beautiful face."

After saying this, the child became silent. Sri Gauranga Raya thus enjoyed a kind of transcendental sport. Having heard the uncommon words of the dead child, the devotees floated in the ocean of bliss. Srivasa Pandita, along with his family members, then fell at the lotus feet of Sri Gaursundara and cried in ecstatic love.

Mahaprabhu then told him, "Since Myself and Nityananda are your two sons, please don't feel any more distress in your mind over what has happened." Hearing these compassionate words of their Lord, the devotees cheers were resounded throughout the heavens.
Proving the statements of sastra, Their Lordships Gaura-Nitya­nanda became deeply indebted to Srivasa due to his great love for and service to Them.

After Mahaprabhu took sannyasa, Srivasa Pandit came to live at Kumarhatta. Every year he would go with His brothers to see Mahaprabhu at Puri. He also regularly came to see Sri Sacimata in Navadwip and would spend a few days there during those times.

When Mahaprabhu came from Nilacala to see His mother and the river Ganges, He also stopped at Kumarhatta to see Srivasa.

"After staying some days at Advaita's house, Mahaprabhu came to Srivasa's temple at Kumarhatta." [C.B]

It was at this time that Mahaprabhu gave this benediction to Srivasa: "There will never be poverty in your house. If you simply remain indoors, never even venturing out of your house, whatever you require for your worship will come to your door."

Srivasa Pandita, along with his three brothers, eternally serve Sri Gaurasundara. He is the incarnation of Narada and accompanied Mahaprabhu in all His Navadwipa lilas.

Across the Ganges from Halisahar (the present name of the village of Kumarhatta), there is a town of the name Chuchura. Located here are some very beautiful Deities of Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga. At present the seva-puja is becoming carried on by Devananda Gaudiya Matha. The resident Swami Maharaja recalls that when the Gaudiya Math took over the sevaitship of this temple, its name was Srivasa- Mahaprabhu Mandir. Thus there is a strong possibility that these are the worshippable Deities of Srivasa Pandita. The temple is at present named 'Uddhavar Gaudiya Math.' It is near 'Chaumatha', close to the 'Chori Mor' intersection where the town clock stands.

There is a rail station at Chuchura (Chinsura) on the Bandel-Navadwip line. Chuchura may also be reached by ferry from Halisahar on the other side of the Ganga, where Caitanya Boda, the birthplace of Sri Isvara Puri, is located.

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Friday, July 2, 2010



Tirumala, 26 June(P.R.O) Processional deity of Lord Malayappaswamy is taken out in procession atop GARUDA VAHANAM around four mada streets at at Tirumala on Saturday night in connection with Pournami.
H.H.Sri Sri Sri Rangaramanuja Pedda Jeeyar Swamy, H.H.Sri Sri Datta Vijayananda Theertha Swamy, Datta Peetam, Mysore, H.H.Sri Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamy of Tirumala, Sri I.Y.R.Krishna Rao, Executive Officer, Sri A.V.Dharma Reddy, Spl Officer, Sri M.K.Singh, C.V&S.O, Sri Gopalakrishna, DyEO(Temple) and large number of devotees took part in the procession.
